Friday, June 6, 2008

I just HAD to try this....and am I ever glad that I did!

Two weeks ago my friend Lynda in Tanzania posted Malva Pudding Recipe (You just HAVE to try this one!), tempting readers with a photo captioned "Such a simple looking pudding - but don't be fooled ! It's spongy, almost honeycomb like texture & sweet, syrupy sauce is out of this world delicious ....." My sweet tooth has yearned for this dessert since the moment I read those words.

Well, this afternoon I made my first Malva Pudding and I have to say that it is just as delicious as Lynda claimed it would be! Here is my Malva Pudding, before and after the sauce was added--I had to get the before photo quickly as the sauce is poured on as soon as the pudding comes out of the oven.

Before Sauce

After Sauce
(Note bubbling as the hot, sweet sauce percolates down through the cake to create a pudding)

Of course I had to get the after photo quickly, too, as the desire to cut into the warm pudding was overwhelming. We ate our Malva Pudding warm, mmmmmoaning with delight at its rich, sweet taste and light texture.

This Malva Pudding recipe is easy to follow. The only difficulty I had was making the conversion from metric to American units. It helps to know that 5ml = 1 teaspoon, 15 ml = 1 tablespoon, 100 ml liquid = roughly 1/2 cup, 200 gm sugar = 1 cup, 150 gm sugar = 3/4 cup, and 150 gm flour = 1 & 1/4 cups. I mixed all the ingredients in my food processor and the batter was very, very smooth, and a little pink due to the strawberry jam. Yum! I baked it in a large casserole dish with a glass lid.

So Lynda, as usual, was right: Malva Pudding is so delicious that you just HAVE to try it! Anyone with a sweet tooth will love it. Check out Lynda's blog for recipes for many other tasty dishes.


Diary From Africa said...

Ginger, I'm so glad that you & your husband enjoyed this taste of Africa ! It really is a lovely recipe, isn't it ? (Just a pity it's not calorie free !!!)

Hope that you're having a lovely weekend ! (Loved your previous post about the geese, not to mention the photos !)

Bye for now

Putz said...

i tried a chocolate cheesecake and so much work and so little results, don't try is what happenened....took all the oreo choc outside and threw all the frosting on the inside away...what a waste....then the chocolate which was made from dove's choc got too hard and when you ate it you broke your teeth...then took 20 minutes to whip real whip cream and it was flat and tasteless on the cake...what an expensevie waste...