Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr.: "I Have A Dream"

Remembering Dr. King today, the holiday commemorating his birthday.

August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial


Diary From Africa said...

Lovely, Ginger - thanks for sharing :) Hope that you, Toad & all your animals are well and enjoying the new year so far !

Ginger said...

Thanks, Lynda. We are getting by here, struggling to keep warm in these frigid temperatures. In addition to my other volunteer "duties" I have been deeply involved with starting an animal rescue group in our area and until there is a lull in the paper chase that entails I hardly know which end is up at times. I am woefully behind in catching up with your blog. Hopefully in a week or so I will have a bit more time to relax and read. I'll be checking in with you for sure!