Thursday, August 2, 2007

Do Canadians really want that pompous ass Loyola Hearn representing their views on the seal hunt?

Loyola Hearn has a lot of nerve threatening to take on the Belgians for banning seal products. What a pompous ass he is! He thinks being called or thought of as a "wuss" is an insult, but there is a huge difference between being a wuss who doesn't stand up to unwarranted bullying and being a wuss who gets his jollies by tormenting and slaughtering young seals unable to defend themselves. Loyola Hearn is this second type of wuss, who, now that his inhumanity is revealed, has decided to go on the offensive, with his right-wing government backing him. I am ashamed of Canada for supporting the hunts and I am ashamed of Canadians who do not support the seal hunts but still allow the likes of Loyola Hearn to represent his views as their views to the rest of the world.

I wonder, does Loyola "Wuss" Hearn take pride in the disgust ethical people worldwide feel when they consider the barbarism he defends so vigorously? I fear for the reputation of Canada when our country is labeled "inhumane" for the way we treat our wildlife and "wuss" for not standing up to the seal hunters and their unethical champion, Loyola Hearn.

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